
3 Ways to Achieve Results-Based Management

3 Ways to Achieve Results-Based Management

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Contact centers agents are the primary contact when it comes to getting an issue resolved. The agent has the opportunity to set the tone and brand of the company when first interacting with the customer. This first interaction does not set the brand image for the short term but instead the long term. Regardless of the customer’s mood, the agent should keep in mind how the company wants to present itself continually. Results-based management will aid in delivering outcomes that are beneficial to the customer and the company. 

Results-based management is the process of creating attainable goals through measures that track growth and improvement within agents and their coaches. These should be S.M.A.R.T. goals- specific, attainable, measurable, relevant, and time-based. By implementing this it will allow for growth that is achievable and will drive further success in the company. Results-based management is about agent growth in relation to the company's goals not comparing agents against agents. Emphasizing this will remind agents that the work they are doing is for the greater good of the company. 

Keep in mind that S.M.A.R.T. goals are the foundation of results-based management and seeing improvement in agent performance. Here are three ways that results-based management can be facilitated and improve the workplace.

1. Track Goals with Data from Various Sources

Once the goals have been determined between agents and managers it is key that there is a plan in place to track the progress being made. The most important factor in tracking goals is documentation. Any check-ins between coach and agent need to be documented as well as any milestones that are accomplished need to be noted as well. Documentation ensures that there are no missed steps and the process is efficient.

2. Create Consistency Check Points To Assess Progress

Results-based management is constantly developing. COVID-19 presented a challenge that was overcome and translated to a successful remote workforce for many companies. As the world changes agents and their teams need to shift their strategies and this is where results-based management factors into creating a dynamic work environment. 

To keep up with the changes occurring, creating regular and consistent check-ins to see how progress is being bad will show you how successful your performance-based management tools are. Checking in with agents on their specific goals and company-wide goals will show how the company is doing overall and if there are certain aspects that need to be refined.

3. Provide Consistent Feedback

Although there will be a set number of check-ins agents will have throughout the year it is important to still recognize all the hard work they are putting in. Celebrating their wins is important but also helping them get up after losses is even more important. Showing them where the tools are to improve and that you support them will create a rewarding work environment. Providing consistent feedback is key to constant improvement.


Implementing these three tactics based on SMART goals will help achieve performance-based goals. It will set agents up for success and customers will be getting the best results from this practice. Results-based management will allow for growth in and outside of your company.

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