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V for Value

We are dedicated to delivering value beyond client expectations. 

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V for Virtue

We are fair, transparent, ethical, and reliable in our client relations.

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V for Variety

We are a true one stop shop, with diverse Contact Center operation solutions.

Vcloud Culture

Conquering Connectivity Challenges

We empower your operations with IVR solutions that bridge gaps.

To oversee and enhance the end-to-end CCO of our clients, from strategy to execution.

Delivering seamless customer interactions that redefine excellence.

Ensuring every touchpoint is optimized for success, from start to finish.

Happy business female and male
Professional Services

VCloud: From Heritage to Innovation

We provide your business with cutting-edge solutions for exceptional customer experiences.

Happy male contact center expert
Our Industry Leader Clients
Showtime logo: VCloud Client
airbnb logo: vcloud client
HBO logo: VCloud Client
Netflix logo: VCloud Client
T-Mobile logo: VCloud Client
Fox Sports logo: VCloud Client

Behind Your Growth: Our Expert Team

  • gerald marolda

    Gerald Marolda

    Co-Founder and CEO
  • sam afif

    Sam Afifi

    Chief Technology Officer
  • john lombardi

    John Lombardi

    Senior V.P. of Teleservices
  • cristina cook

    Cristina Cook

    Senior V.P. of Client Operations

Learn More

Discover how we can elevate your customer experience.