VCloud blue blurred icon
Our Industry Leader Clients
Showtime logo: VCloud Client
airbnb logo: vcloud client
HBO logo: VCloud Client
Netflix logo: VCloud Client
T-Mobile logo: VCloud Client
Fox Sports logo: VCloud Client
Support All Customers

Maintain Quality Service Across Channels

VOCCS enables you to stay reachable and responsive on any channel your customers prefer to contact you on.

Whether it’s through voice, chat, email, or social media, VOCCS ensures that you can engage with your customers effortlessly. By centralizing all communications in one platform, you can manage interactions more efficiently, reduce response times, and provide a consistent, high-quality experience across every channel.

Man holding tablet to monitor channels

Reports are Cool for a Reason

VOCCS provides comprehensive reporting tools that offer deep insights into customer interactions, helping you make data-driven decisions and optimize your communication strategies.

With real-time analytics and customizable reports, VOCCS allows you to track performance metrics, identify trends, and gain a clear understanding of your customer engagement. These insights enable you to refine your operations and deliver exceptional customer experiences consistently.

VCloud Omnichannel Contact Center Reports
Lead The Way

Elevate & Evaluate
Customer Success

Be where the tickets are.

Customer care expert holding tablet
Customer Support Channels Icon

Customer Support Channels

Our skilled agents span three countries, blending cultures and expertise.

Contact Center Services Icon

Contact Center Services

We break language barriers, fostering seamless global communication.

Channels We Serve

Quality Support On All Channels

Contact Center
male customer care expert

Contact Center

Real time customer support for immediate trouble-shooting.

VCloud’s live agents provide personalized support, ensuring a human touch for complex inquiries and exceptional service.

VCloud’s live chat service offers instant, efficient, and multilingual customer support, enhancing user experience and resolving inquiries in real-time.

VCloud’s AI-powered chatbot offers 24/7 support, seamlessly integrating into websites and mobile apps for efficient, automated customer assistance.

VCloud’s email support service offers reliable, organized communication for detailed customer inquiries.

Services We Offer

Omnichannel Contact Center Services

CC Build-Outs Omnichannel Contact Center Service

CC Build-Outs

Expand service capabilities efficiently with our tailored build-out solutions.

CC Modernization & Updating

CC Modernization & Updating

Enhance support systems for seamless operations & better
user experience.

Crisis & Product Recall Management VOCCS

Crisis & Product Recall Management

Guarantee swift response to emergencies and product recalls with our solutions.

Software & Mobile App Development VOCCS

Software & Mobile App Development

Develop tailored solutions efficiently and effectively to meet your unique needs.

Medical Fax & Email Security VOCCS

Medical Fax & Email Security

Enable HIPAA-compliant communication with our robust security measures.

CSAT Omnichannel Contact Center Service


Measure satisfaction accurately with our analysis tools and methodologies.

Help Desk

Help Desk

Streamline technical support processes for customers with our help desk solutions.

Outbound Sales & Cross-Sales VOCCS

Outbound Sales & Cross-Sales

Boost sales with focused outreach strategies, targeting, and personalized interactions.

Stay Connected

Your Full Tool Stack in OnePlace

Consistence service excellence across all channels

customer care expert in VCloud symbol
happy business woman holding folder in VCloud symbol
Frequently Asked Questions

Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers

Our reporting capabilities are extensive and customizable. We provide real-time dashboards, detailed analytics, and comprehensive reports that cover various aspects of your contact center operations. You can track performance metrics, customer interactions, agent productivity, and operational efficiency. These insights enable informed decision-making, strategic planning, and continuous improvement.

Absolutely! VCloud is equipped to support global contact center operations. We offer multi-language support, international compliance solutions, and infrastructure that spans multiple regions. Our team has extensive experience in managing international projects, ensuring seamless operations across borders.

Our solutions are designed to scale with your business. Whether you’re a small business looking to expand or a large enterprise managing high volumes, our solutions can grow with you. We offer flexible plans and scalable infrastructure to accommodate your evolving needs.

Yes, our solutions are designed to be highly compatible and can integrate with a wide range of existing systems, including CRMs, ERPs, and other business applications. We ensure that the integration process is smooth and does not disrupt your current operations.

Absolutely! We understand the importance of data-driven decision-making. Our solutions include robust reporting and analytics tools that can be customized to meet your specific needs. Whether you need detailed performance metrics, customer insights, or financial analysis, we can provide the reports that matter most to your business.

VCloud takes full responsibility for talent acquisition, ensuring your contact centers are staffed with skilled professionals. Our recruitment process is thorough and tailored to your specific needs, providing you with the best talent to run efficient and effective operations.

Our team is known for its speed and efficiency. Depending on the complexity of your requirements, we can have your contact center operational in as little as a few days to a couple of weeks. We work closely with you to ensure a smooth and swift implementation process.